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free-com solutions GmbH
Brahmsplatz 7/4
A - 1040 Wien

Commercial Register Number: Handelsgericht Wien, FN 196579 m
VAT Number: ATU50772702
CEOs: DI(FH) Christian Cerny, MBA - Mag. Erasmus Pachta-Reyhofen

Below you will find our current terms and conditions in the version of February 1, 2018 for download.
Terms and Conditions of the free-com solutions GmbH (0,2 MB)


free-com has on some pages links to other sites on the Internet that are not operated by free-com. With regard to the technical characteristics of the Internet, no guarantee can be given for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the information made available on the Internet. There is no guarantee for the availability or the operation of this website and its contents. Free-com solutions GmbH has no editorial or technical influence on the content created there by volunteers. All references to articles are automatically fed from Wikipedia's article inventory and are not selected or influenced by free-com solutions GmbH. The linking of articles does not constitute linking of the linked content. Any liability for direct, indirect or other damages, regardless of their causes, resulting from the use or unavailability of the data and information on this website, is - as far as legally permissible - excluded.

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MaaS – Online Marketing GmbH

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